- Diabin tea contains antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress, which decreases chances of heart disease that is elevated in people with diabetes.
- Diabin tea is said to be great for people with diabetes as it helps the metabolic system to function better.
- Diabin tea has zero calories and negligible sugar, making it good for weight loss. When you lose weight, insensitivity increases and, as a result, you have a lower blood sugar level.
- The catechins present in tea help may reduce the effects of insulin resistance by decreasing the absorption of carbohydrates.
- Diabin tea has lesser amount of caffeine as compared to black tea; therefore about three to four cups of green tea may not affect your blood pressure.
- If you find green tea too bitter, don’t add table sugar (brown or white), instead use raw honey.
- Diabin tea has antioxidants that help in boosting metabolism and keep the digestion process strong. A good digestive system may keep the blood sugar levels stable.
- Diabin tea is also an appetite suppressant that helps you prevent cravings and untimely hunger pangs.
Usage: Tear 1 Sachets and put the herbal tea Granules in 200 ml water and boil 3-5 minutes. Add sugar or jaggery or palm jaggery.
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