Kuntrika tailum

  • Helps alleviate redness and swelling around joints
  • Aids relief in Gouty Arthritis
  • Helps relieve generalised aches and pains
  • Promotes joint health and nourishment
  • Soothes musculoskeletal conditions
  • It provides healthy joint support by maintaining natural flexibility and movement
  • It aids our natural body defenses against occasional inflammation affecting various parts of the body, specifically the feet
  • It encourages healthy skin by supporting natural recovery and stimulating the production of new cells and tissues
  • A cooling oil for soothing burning sensation of hands and feet
  • Helps the body to resolve toxin build-up with the joints and supports the body from occasional flare-up of Gout
  • It promotes relaxation and calms the mind by providing occasional stress relief

Dosage: 1/2 to 1 tea spoon intake. It can be also applied externally on scalp before bath


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